After all implant treatments (All on 4, All on 6 etc.) you need to consume soft foods to eat after dental surgery in order for your wound to heal quickly and healthily. This period varies approximately between 3-5 days. If you return to your normal diet before this period, your stitches may be damaged or you may encounter dry socket problems.
We have compiled the blog post "50 Soft foods to eat after dental surgery" so that you can eat healthy while getting through this process more easily. You can prepare easy and effortless meals for yourself by taking advantage of this guide.
When listing soft foods, we have categorised them as proteins, carbohydrates, soups and others, so you can easily find the food you need.
To eat vegetables with high vitamin and mineral content, you can boil them, puree them after boiling and eat them or make soup.
You can also eat fruits by blending them in a blender or mix them with yoghurt.
When you cook cereals, pasta and legumes until they are soft, you get a lot of protein and carbohydrates into your body.
If you have little time or are working, you can cook foods in a pressure cooker and eat fast and soft meals. You can also speed up your healing process by adding the broth you will obtain by boiling in a pressure cooker to your soups and purees.
After your implant treatment, you should keep the treatment area as stress-free as possible. You should avoid all foods, drinks and behaviours that can damage the healing process of your wound. We talked about "50 soft foods to eat after dental surgery" to protect the implant area in this process. In this section, we will talk about things that will harm the healing process after the implant.
1. Hard and crunchy foods damage the implant and cause failure or prolonged healing. These foods include hard parts of bread, nuts, chips and crackers, hard cookies and even raw and crispy vegetables (such as carrots).
2. Sticky foods can dislodge the implant, disrupt the integrity of the wound and interfere with healing. These are foods such as chewing gum, caramel, sweets, soft candies. Consuming these will also cause pain in the area.
3. The wound formed during the implant is very sensitive during the healing process. Therefore, it is easily irritated. Avoid spicy and acidic foods to protect the area from irritation. You should avoid citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, cola and intensely spicy foods.
4. You should also avoid very cold or hot foods and drinks. These also cause damage, pain and sensitivity in the operation area.
5. Foods that are granular and can settle in the implant area reduce implant success. These grains stay there, inviting infection and damaging the wound. It causes the success of the implant to decrease and the post-implant healing process to be prolonged. Foods such as popcorn are included.
6. You should stay away from your bad habits after implant. Alcohol and smoking delay healing and increase the risk of infection.
Ensure a healthy healing process by eating soft foods for 3-5 days after implant surgery. You can use our 50 soft foods to eat after dental surgery to help you recover faster. With these foods you can make a wide variety of delicious meals after dental surgery. Drink plenty of water and gargle gently with warm salt water. Patients often use a straw to avoid damaging the wound. However, this can dislodge the clot in the socket and cause dry socket problems. Please do not prefer it. Unless recommended by your dentist, avoid taking aspirin due to its blood thinning properties. Have regular dental check-ups.
Please read here for more information about All on 4 and All on 6 dental implants Turkey. Please contact us to have your implant treatments at Seçil Dental Clinic. This blog is written for informative purposes, each patient's treatment is personalised for that person. We kindly ask you to follow the advice of your dentist.
Secil Dental Clinic wishes you healthy days.
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